Guide on how to overcome Fear of Failure

Although many of us may accept in theory that failure is a necessary component of all learning and growth, in practice, we often struggle greatly with failing.

Very few of us know how to fail well. Intellectually, we may know that we need a growth mindset in order to develop, and yet failure remains an experience that is often associated with shame and embarrassment.

Failure can also be socially stigmatized. How, then, can we overcome our fear of failure so that we can truly benefit from what failing has to teach us?

What Is Fear of Failure?

There are various reasons we may fear failure. Perhaps the most common is that our self-esteem tends to be tied to achievement and success.

When we fail at something — be that a project at work, a job interview, an exam, a competition — or if our relationship breaks down or our business goes under, our self-image suffers. We may feel worthless, and we may harshly castigate ourselves for our failure.

If we fail publicly, our failure plainly visible to others, we may also fear other people’s judgment and that our failure may have wider social repercussions. We may fear that our failure will impact or end our career, or else that it will permanently damage our reputation and status.

While it is understandable that we fear failure, this fear can also hold us back. It may prevent us from seeking new experiences, venturing into the unknown, or taking risks of any kind. It may lead to us staying in situations that do not make us happy and that are not conducive to long-term growth.

Fear of failure can cause procrastination, avoidance, and stagnation. In the form of pessimistic beliefs about our efficacy, agency, and chances of succeeding at what is important to us, it can adversely impact our wellbeing.

Is fear of failure a phobia?

Extreme fear of failure is called atychiphobia, and it severely affects the ability of sufferers to function well in daily life (Collins Dictionary, n.d.).

While atychiphobia is not a recognized medical diagnosis, we can think of it as a sub-form of anxiety disorder. It may be manifested in extreme avoidant behavior and very maladaptive procrastination.

It can be completely paralyzing and lead to affected clients being unable to function at their jobs or at home. It can also cause panic attacks and excessive ruminative anticipation of situations that trigger this fear response.

While this truly debilitating fear of failure is quite rare, a less pronounced and more subtle fear of failure is much more common. However, even in its less extreme form, fear of failure can have seriously adverse effects on wellbeing.

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Headshot fof Louis Berlin Synergix CEO and Founder
Louis Berlin

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Maximize your potential with neuro-semantics, psychology, cognitive behavior, and other disciplines in a powerful combination to conquer personal and professional hurdles, and enable even greater successes for you.

Maximize your potential with neuro-semantics, psychology, cognitive behavior, and other disciplines in a powerful combination to conquer personal and professional hurdles, and enable even greater successes for you.

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